Muhammad Asad Ul Rehman

Cyber Security Professional

Cyber Psychologist

an Adventurer

Muhammad Asad Ul Rehman

Cyber Security Professional

Cyber Psychologist

an Adventurer


Visit to NITB

During a recent visit to the National Information Technology Board (NITB), I was deeply honored by the warm hospitality and thoughtful gifts extended to me. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the NITB team for this recognition and generosity.

A special thanks goes to DG PMO Mr. Faisal Iqbal Ratyal, DG SP&CS Mr. Suhail Khan, and Director IT Mr. Hafiz Javed for their glorious hospitality. Their efforts in making my visit memorable are truly appreciated, and I look forward to future collaborations with NITB.

Visit to NITB

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