Muhammad Asad Ul Rehman

Cyber Security Professional

Cyber Psychologist

an Adventurer

Muhammad Asad Ul Rehman

Cyber Security Professional

Cyber Psychologist

an Adventurer


Talk about Stress Counselling Desk on Radio Pakistan

Muhammad Asad Ul Rehman (Chief Technology Officer Cyber Security of Pakistan) is telling To Mr. Muhammad Ashiq Abbasi (Senior Producer Radio Pakistan) about Stress Counselling Desk in Program Rabita of Radio Pakistan.

The trend of suicide among women who fall victim to cyber crimes is increasing, prompting the Cyber Security of Pakistan to take steps to establish a Stress Counseling Desk. Women facing blackmail are experiencing mental stress, leading to a rise in suicide cases. To address this, there is a pressing need for counseling and guidance for women.

Cyber Security of Pakistan’s Chief Technology Officer, Muhammad Asad Ur Rehman, shared these thoughts. He explained that, in the initial phase, ten stress counselors will be appointed to provide counseling and guidance to women affected by cyber crimes. These counselors will help women alleviate mental stress and build resilience so that they can confront blackmailers and criminals with confidence rather than fear.

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